Pan Canada College, Surrey BC. is resuming full operation as of October 04, 2021
We have identified potential risk areas within our facility and will be following the measures listed below to address these risks.

Routine daily screening for staff and students
Staff and students are not to enter the facility if they:
  • Have any of the following symptoms: Fever, Chills, New or Worsening Cough, Shortness of Breath, Muscle Aches or Headache, Sore Throat.
  • Have travelled outside of Canada within the last 14 days This includes a mandatory 14-day self-isolation for any arrival of International Students if not fully vaccinated.
  • Are a close contact of a person who tested positive for COVID-19
  • Have been directed by Public Health to self-isolate
Physical Distancing and Hygiene
  • Classroom areas will have limited student occupancy utilizing extra classroom space and electronic delivery by the instructor to allow students adequate space for distancing.
  • Wearing of masks is required in all common areas of the facility.
  • Students are asked to do everything possible to maintain distance.
  • Strict no contact policy prohibiting handshaking or close contact with other staff and students.
  • Offices and reception area where distancing is not possible to have barriers installed to assist with providing protection. These barriers will be cleaned daily.
  • Hand washing or Sanitizing is required upon entry to the facility and frequently throughout the day using the handwashing guidelines posted. Multiple stations are available in the building
  • Make sure that coughing or sneezing is done into the arm instead of hands to prevent spreading. 
Cleaning Protocol – Routine and Environmental Cleaning to include:
  • Office equipment and contact areas in the lobby to be cleaned each morning.
  • Shared office equipment will be wiped down after each use. 
  • Staff to wipe down their desks, telephones, keyboards, doorknobs, light switches contact items in their offices each evening before the close.
  • Student Desks are to be cleaned before and after use by students. A disinfectant will be provided.
  • End of day wipe down of all common contact areas within the shop by Instructors
  • Students to avoid sharing tools whenever possible.
  • Provide thorough disinfecting of facility 2x per week in all areas.